Monday, May 28, 2012

something that you forbiden to do it.... Please don't do it

Me angkat gagang telpon, telpon ke XXX
A: Halo
Me : Halo XXXX
A:    Yup,
Me : Tolongin bookingkan hotel dong buat vendor.
A: Aku kasih nomor telponnya aja ya, ntar telpon sendiri.
Me: gitu ya....
A: ya, mo hotel apaan?
Me: 89
A: Nih nomernya XXXXXXXXXX
Me: mang ga bisa bookingkan ya?
A: Ga bisa. Disini ga bisa telpon keluar.
Me: (Me thinking... keknya bisa deh tu anak nelpon pake telpon di desknya dia) Loh...
A: Iya, klo  mau telon, aku musti ke perso, malas aku ksana
Me => ngelus dada... thinking about what she said...

Well... baru saja aku posting bagaimana seharusnya seseorang menjaga posisinya di dunia kerja, tapi aku menemukan yang seperti itu...

Keep spirit to fight of a laziness, and keep spirit to moving forward...
Kangen nonton "meet the robinson"

Sunday, May 27, 2012

A friend from China, Name...

it's about 3 weeks i was with him. He's coming from China, shanghai for the specific area. He has Russian name. and it makes us wonder why he chose the Russian name. He's totally chines. but as you know, every chines person has three names, the young name, he's real chines name and English name. When i asked him about his English name, he said he chose his name because only 2 person in china using that name :D.

He's nice friend. He talk a lot actually. Just ask him everything about China, then he will answer you. Even his English is not really clear, but i enjoy his story. that's why, if i really can say mandarin, i will be very happy. but English is fine for both of us. and i just wonder, if Allah send me imam from other country, i will be very happy i can talk in English even not really well :D. Alhamdulillah Allah give me chance to knowing this language then i can have some conversation with other country or even from other continent

Talking about my friend, he told me, that shanghai is really different with Batam. It's high competition in shanghai. I can really understand that China is the populous country, and Shanghai as the industrial city, have so many people inside. He said it's about 800.000 students every year ready to work. and can you imagine how the competition there? It's normal an employee working 16 hours per day. They have to defend their job with working hard. No totality in job, then sorry, the bosses will replace you with some other guy. it makes me think that i'm nothing. i just can survive 12 hours per day. My job is not really effective, Playing here and there. and i really ashamed with I'm doing.

It's just a little story between me and him, but it really makes me think that I'm nothing. What i've done is not suppose make me so satisfied. What I've done is suppose to be my parameter to be more productive.

i really thanks to him because he teach me a lot and color my day :)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

want to

want to share something about what i feel.
want to have a big smile with a lot of people.
want to have some fun in this beautiful busy job
want to run away for a moment with this crazy activity...

and alhamdulillah, i still have something what i want to do today... :D

selamat beraktivitas

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

New Project

New Project, up up up up...
keep spirit.... :)

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Finale in American Idol 2012

Well finally the bottom one in the greatest TOP 3 is Joshua. They really awesome. But i still love Philip Philips :D. Para finalis menyanyikan 3 lagu, masing masing lagu merupakan pilihan juri, pilihan masing masing kontestan dan pilihan jimmy coach mereka.

Buat yang mau liat lagu mereka bertiga bisa diliat disini.

Then finale will be Philip Philips and Jessica Sanchez....
i'll wait the first album from Joshua. It will be great song and great album... :)

Friday, May 11, 2012

American and indonesian Idol

lagi musim idol memang... lama banget sebenernya ga ngikutin ajang gini... (bukan ngikut audisi dll, makhsutnya ngikutin di media) dan tahun ini emang bagus bagus banget kualitas mereka...

Dari american Idol, aku lagi seneng dengerin hollie dan philip philips... Pas nyanyi bleading love, hollie bener bener memukau... mungkin bisa liat disini... dan philip philips apa lagi dengan energic yang dia punya, suak banget sama warna vokalnya...

Dan untuk Indonesian Idol, lagi seneng banget sama Febri, sudah 2 minggu ini dia tampil bagus. apa lagi nyanyiin lagunya Agnes, Cinta diujung jalan. Videonya bisa diliat disini. Bagus banget Febri ini...:) sebenernya semua bagus. Tapi sekali lagi bagus itu relatifkan??? awalnya suka sama lagu lagunya Dion, tapi dari performanya emang Febri yang melejit perlahan tapi pasti :)

Seperti yang diadvise sama para juri, pilihlah yang memang bagus... bukan karena kedaerahannya.... ;)

kita intip intip yuk photo photo idol idol ini... :)

Philip Phillips



she's out my league

lama ya ga posting apa apa....
mau sharing sharing  yang sudah pernah ku tonton,,, ;)

hmmm sebenernya ini film lama. Produksi tahun 2010, aku baru nontonnya tahun 2012 :D di HBO (gratisan banget yah??? :D) truss ada yang menarik sih dari jalan cerita film tersebut...

Inti critanya sih simple saja, tapi mungkin banyak kejadian di bumi. Ada seorang laki laki yang biasa biasa saja, tapi baik hati dan menyenangkan. bertemu dengan perempuan amat sangat menarik, sarjana, pekerjaan yang bergengsi, salary yang berliimpah, dari keluarga baik baik dan terpandang.

Dan anehnya, perempuan ini tampak begitu nyaman dengan laki laki ini, tak perlu tampil berlebihan, bisa nyaman apa adanya. tapi... tak semudah itu. Ternyata perempuan ini juga menutupi pekerjaan sang lelaki karena takut sang orang tua mengatakan yang tidak tidak tentang lelaki ini...

Well... begitulah. Apa yang membuat sang perempuan nyaman? please just guest reader :D
lalu apa yang membuat sang lelaki memaafkan perempuannya karena menutupi apa adanya dirinya??? tebak lagi reader :D's all about love, about the sincerity, and about how to accept the true love the way it is...
